Helping YOU take better pictures...
one frame at a time
(This Workshops is for advanced Shooters)
The School of Photography offers a comprehensive, online 6 week Photography program , you will in-depth about metering, Ansel Adam Zone System and Advanced manual Shooting.
Cost: $ 200.00 - plus H.S.T.
Camera Club Price $ 100.00 CDN
Class size: Minimum 1 Students
Class size: Maximum 12 Students
Up to12 hours long
6 Classes
Up to 2 hours per class
Your Home or Office
Lens and Aperture in-depth
Peter Gatt's Shutter Speed Formula
Colour Balance Fill Flash
Advance Manual Shooting
DSLR or Mirrorless Camera (any Brand)
External Dedicated Flash
Wide angle lens
Telephoto Lens (up to 300mm)
Flash Manual
Memory Cards
Homework will be assigned at the end of each class and critique the following week. You will be required to email the images to the School ahead of time or have it ready to present in ZOOM during the class.
Whether you're a seasoned photographer looking to freshen up your portfolio, just starting out your career in photography, a hobbyist who wants to learn some new skills, all our workshops are comfortably structured to suit all levels.
Please note, workshop must be paid online before the workshop begins.
This Workshop is suitable for All Brands of camera with Hot Shoe

Photo 301 - Advanced Class
✴ Lens Sweet Spot:
✴ Shutter Speed Formula:
✴ Colour balance Fill flash:
✴ Auto Exposure lock:
✴ Introduction to Metering:
✴ External Meters
✴ internal meters
✴ Manual Metering
✴ Spot Metering
✴ Hard to Meter Subjects
Shooting Assignment is Suitable for:
All D.S.L.R. and Mirror-less cameras
LIVE interactive courses with your instructor in a virtual classroom from the comfort of your home, using ZOOM Software.
School of Photography's Photo 301Outline
Photo 201 - Intermedaite level
The School of Photography offers a comprehensive, online 6 week program that will help you take your photography to a new level. Take greater control of your camera features, learn how to capture the image you want right from the camera. Learn to see what others can not see. Truly understand your camera's Features metering system and external Flash System.
This course is suitable for all D.S.L.R., Mirror-Less and **Advance Point & shoot camera models.
This course is taught through lectures, discussions and HOMEWORK assignments.
Not suitable for basic point and shoot cameras.
(This Class is for Intermediate - Advance Photographers)
Cost: $ 200.00 - plus H.S.T.
Camera Club Price $ 100.00 CDN
Class size: Minimum 1 Students
Class size: Maximum 12 Students
12+ hours total
6 Classes
2+ hours each class
Your Home or Office
Prerequisite for this class:
Photo 101 or equivalent knowledge
What to Bring:
• D.S.L.R. or Mirrorless Camera & Lenses
• Memory Card
• Fully Charged Battery
• External Flash
• Tripod
• Notepad and pen or pencil
School of Photography's
Photo 201 Outline
✴ Manual Focusing
✴ Aperture
✴ Depth of Field preview
✴ Shutter speeds
✴ Manual Mode
✴ Exposure Bracketing
✴ H.D.R.
✴ Exposure Compensation
✴ Histogram
✴ Custom White Balance
✴ Advanced flash
✴ External flash
✴ Lens Necessaries

Photo 201 is Suitable for:
All D.S.L.R. and Mirror-less cameras
Homework will be assigned at the end of each class and critique the following week. You will be required to email the images to the School ahead of time or have it ready to present in ZOOM during the class.
** Advance Point and Shoot Cameras must have Aperture Priority (A or AV mode), Shutter Priority (S or TV Mode) and full Manual Mode (M)
Homework will be assigned at the end of each class and critique the following week. You will be required to email the images to the School ahead of time or have it ready to present in ZOOM during the class.
** Advance Point and Shoot Cameras must have Aperture Priority (A or AV mode), Shutter Priority (S or TV Mode) and full Manual Mode (M)