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Learn the difference between an f/stop and a Bus Stop.

If you have difficulties understanding the difference between a large apertur, a large number and great Depth-of-Field, you are not  alone. Many people have struggled with the different f/numbers not knowing which number is big, which is small, which one let's in more light and which let's in less light.

Join me to learn the proper way to use these term and have a better understanding about aperture.

Cost:   $ 10.00   - plus H.S.T.

Class size: Minimum 3 Students

Class size: Maximum 10 Students

1-1.5 hours long

1 Class

Prerequisite for this class:

Photo 101 or equivalent knowledge

What to Bring:

          Pen and Paper

2023 Dates:


  Tuesday Mar. 14th - 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

  Virtual Classroom


Number of Students




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