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Whaat is the Exposure Triangle and how does it help me take better pictures? This is a question I get a lot, so know I am going to help you fully understand what the exposure triangle is all about.

This seminar will go over shutter speed, aperture and ISO, one more time and them help you how to choose the right setting for your shot.

*     Shutter Speed

*     Aperture

*     ISO

*     Metering

*     Using a Grey Card for Correct Exposure

Prerequisites: Must be comfortable with the camera features

Equipment: Camera, Lenses, Tripod, Memory Card, Fresh Batteries

Why I Use Manual Mode?

Why would I use manual mode when my camera is state of art??

Shouldn’t it be smart enough to take great pictures without me?

“No!” Cameras are not smart enough to take great pictures all on their own ALL the time.

The truth is that your camera can get tricked really easily. Your camera doesn’t have a brain. It doesn’t know what to exposure for unless you tell it.

When learning how to shoot in manual mode you need to know and understand the “exposure triangle”. This is made up of your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

(This Class is for Advance to Emerging Professional Photographers)    

Cost:   $ 10.00   - plus H.S.T.

Class size: Minimum 3 Students

Class size: Maximum 10 Students

2 hours long

1 Class

Prerequisite for this class:

Photo 201 or equivalent knowledge

What to Bring:

          Pen and Paper

2023 Dates:


Wednesday July 5th,  8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Exposure Triangle

Number of Students





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